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标签: 特德·纳尔逊 超文本 网络狂想家

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特德·纳尔逊(Ted Nelson):IT梦想家、“超文本”概念创造者、Xanadu计划发起者。Ted Nelson在1960年创造Xanadu项目,并在1963年制造了超文本这个概念。



姓名(中文) 特德•纳尔逊               
Ted Nelson

姓名(英文) Ted Nelson
机构与职务 日本Keio大学项目教授
出生年月 1937年5月23①
出生国家、地点 美国纽约
教育背景 2002年,获Keio大学媒体管理博士学位
职业背景 现为日本Keio大学项目教授
名言(著作) “如果说你听起来觉得很疯狂,说明你理解了。”
电子邮件(网址) ted@xanadu.net
(注①  因为网上没有他的月份和日子,在他70岁演讲时有提到  详见YouTube - Intertwingularity: When Ideas Collide, Part 1/15)


Life, Love, College, etc. (1959) 

Computer Lib: You can and must understand computers now / Dream Machines: New freedoms through computer screens—a minority report (1974), Microsoft Press, rev. edition 1987: ISBN 0-914845-49-7

注:《计算机解放(Computer Lib)》这是纳尔逊最著名的书,这本书淋漓尽致地表现了作者百科全书式的智慧与激情,包含人口统计、黑客心理、IBM的邪恶、全息摄影、音乐符号、出租PDP—8计算机的地方名录以及如何在Trac机器上编程。全书没有索引,甚至没有目录。虽然里面有大量的参考材料,但是,一个人如果没有研读过多次,就不可能把它用作参考书。而实际上,真有许多黑客反复研读。虽然语言通俗,但是真正的影响还是程序员圈子,可以说是黑客文化的最佳指南。

The Home Computer Revolution (1977)
Literary Machines: The report on, and of, Project Xanadu concerning word processing, electronic publishing, hypertext, thinkertoys, tomorrow's intellectual revolution, and certain other topics including knowledge, education and freedom (1981), Mindful Press, Sausalito, California.
Publication dates as listed in the 93.1 (1993) edition: 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
The Future of Information (1997)
A Cosmology for a Different Computer Universe: Data Model, Mechanisms, Virtual Machine and Visualization Infrastructure. Journal of Digital Information, Volume 5 Issue 1. Article No. 298, July 16, 2004
Geeks Bearing Gifts: How The Computer World Got This Way (2008) (Chapter summaries)


Ted Nelson

1963年拿到硕士学位后,泰德开始尝试在不同领域从事软件设计工作。1965年,计算机和网络技术已发生了很大的变化。在美国计算机协会(ACM)年会上,泰德发表的一篇有关超文本概念的论文详细阐述了一种类似于“拉链”的文字链接技术,并首次提出了Hypertext这个词。此后,他开始全力推行自己的超文本技术。但许多软件公司和研究机构都对Hypertext毫无兴趣,因为当时是大型计算机的天下,超文本技术离现实还很遥远。不过,他却信心十足,并在1979年和一众热衷超文本技术的科学家们创办了意义深远的Xanadu项目。之后的几年,超文本技术日趋成熟,他的一些著作如《计算机解放》、《Literary Machine》、《Dream Machine》使超文本概念深入人心。1988年1月,他在《Byte》杂志发表的一篇文章中,详细解释了超文本技术。文章引起了许多软件公司的兴趣,不久Autodesk公司找上门来,收购了Xanadu项目。几个月后,Xanadu项目迎来鼎盛时期,超文本成为了20世纪90年代的一个重要技术标志,伴随着网络技术的热潮发展至今。


1965年,特德·纳尔逊(Ted Nelson)创造了术语“超文本”(Hypertext).1981年,德特在他的著作中使用术语“超文本”描述了这一想法:创建一个全球化的大文档,文档的各个部分分布在不同的服务器中。通过激活称为链接的超文本项目,例如研究论文里的参考书目,就可以跳转到引用的论文。


1、超文本(Hypertext)是用超链接的方法,将各种不同空间的文字信息组织在一起的网状文本。超文本更是一种用户介面范式,用以显示文本及与文本之间相关的内容。现时超文本普遍以电子文档方式存在,其中的文字包含有可以链结到其他位置或者文档的连结,允许从当前阅读位置直接切换到超文本连结所指向的位置。超文本的格式有很多,目前最常使用的是超文本标记语言(Hyper Text Markup Language,HTML)及富文本格式 (Rich Text Format,RTF)。我们日常浏览的网页上的链结都属于超文本。
2、一种按信息之间关系非线性地存储、组织、管理和浏览信息的计算机技术。超文本技术将自然语言文本和计算机交互式地转移或动态显示线性文本的能力结合在一起,它的本质和基本特征就是在文档内部和文档之间建立关系,正是这种关系给了文本以非线性的组织。 概括的说,超文本就是收集,存储磨合浏览离散信息以及建立和表现信息之间关联的技术。



纳尔逊访谈:社会网络——一切本可比这好得多!It Could All be So Much Better编辑本段回目录

以下是New Scientist 06年某期上对Ted部分的采访

What is the connection between hypertext and online social networking?

It’s all built on a certain kind of hypertext. Whenever you post a comment on someone’s web page or link it to yours, for example, you make a sort of hyperlink.



Why should we care about what kind of hypertext underpins it all?

Because this determines which ways of using social networking are easy, which are hard, and which are impossible.



What social networking sites have you explored?

Second Life is interesting – a three dimensional world in which people pay to play house. They build and decorate their own “homes” and “visit” each other.


Second Life这个网站很有意思——一个三维世界,那里人们花钱过家家。他们造房,装修自己的“家”,并相互“串门”。

 What strikes you most about these sites?

They are all about real estate. You set out your stall, stake out a territory. The whole World Wide Web is about a sense of ownership, starting from those company web addresses. But what I envisioned and built is about sharing media and acknowledging sources, without walls or boundaries.



 How do you feel, using the web?

I use it all the time. I’m one of the more extreme users, though I mourn it and I rage at it. The format seems so fundamentally broken. It’s based on document delivery where a document is one file, with all the links embedded in it. The term “information technology” has everyone anaesthetised into thinking that the way it is now is necessary and beyond question. There are three areas – at the very least – where the techies who designed the web are naive. First, they impose hierarchy. Then they simulate paper, when the point should be to improve on it. After all, Henry Ford didn’t try to build a mechanical horse. And finally they assume that the human world is a world of fact and can be represented without the “says who?” information that is built into my way of doing things.


我常常用它。我属于那些极端用户(重度使用者——译者注),尽管我对它叹气和发泄不满。万维网的形式从本质上是有缺陷的。它基于文件传送,其中一个文件作为一个文档,而所有的链接镶嵌其上(即万维网上)。“信息技术”这一术语让大多数人都误以为,万维网现在的样子是必然的,是不容置疑的。但至少在三个方面,万维网的设计者显得很幼稚。首先,他们引入了层级结构。其次,他们模仿纸面,尽管万维网本是为了改进纸上工作而设计的。毕竟,亨利-福特想造的并非机械马。第三,他们假定人类世界是一个僵硬的实在世界,不需要诸如“says who”这类信息就可以在网上得到反映。而这些信息在我的设计中恰恰是至关重要的。

 How is your vision different to theirs?

My style of hypertext would allow you to create your own mesh of insightful structures in a live document, as you explore. A document is not a file and nor is it necessarily a sequence. It is a structure. The central feature of the Xanadu system I proposed in the 1960s is that when a document quotes another, it pulls in the actual text from the source, wherever that lives. I call this “transclusion”. That implies that anyone posting a Xanadu document grants the world a licence to quote from it, charging the reader a one-time fee if they wish – a principle I call “transcopyright”. The links are two-way: each document links back to all the places that quote it. And, crucially, it can all be dynamic. Every change you make is immediately propagated and clarified and resolved. The document is never out of date.



 Does that mean documents are never finished?

Finishing is a political act. What deadlines are about is resolving all the pieces and references that have to be fixed when a document is frozen, and freezing it makes it a policy. You could always do more investigation unless you decide not to.



 What could Xanadu do for social networking?

Transclusion would make a huge difference. You could follow through from a comment someone put on your page to see at once what they said to everyone else, and then ask “Is is it only me you love or are you spamming everyone else?”



And what about the economics?

With transcopyright, artists could start to make a living. I have a friend who hears her albums played on the radio and the musicians’ collecting societies say they can’t pay her because the number of plays is “statistically insignificant”. Micro-sales might be a huge market, but we don’t know until we try.



What are you working on now?

One thing is FloatingWorld, a system for displaying documents, including their transclusions and the links between them, in three dimensions. Envision social networking done this way: imagine your personal profile as a flying document in space, with thousands of connections streaming off in all directions, where you can spin various wheels or whatever to zoom in and have different parts of the network light up or disappear.



What else do you see in the future?

I met some programmers at a party in Tokyo and they showed me a system of connectible virtual 3D spaces built, like FloatingWorld, with the Open Graphics Library software. You could buy real estate from the owners and build inside it, and you could connect up to others’ spaces. So I thought of my other current project, ZigZag, which is a generalized database, a way of building a linked complex mesh of data items. Each could be an edit of a document, or an entry in a family tree. You could think of it as like a spreadsheet in which only the cells that have contents are stored, but in as many dimensions as you please. ●




If Ted Nelson had his way, social networking – and the entire web – would be a lot more transparent





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