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杜克大学创校于1838年。校训“Knowledge and Faith”(知识与信念),共拥有2,583名教授和6,244名本科生和6,844名研究生。当时是由北卡州的烟草大亨James B Duke为纪念他的父亲Washington Duke,利用慈善家 Julian S.Carr所慨赠的9000英亩土地,无私无我地投入全部产业和资金,不断扩充而发展成为今日傲视全美的杜克大学。
 杜克大学历史上曾有过 "南方哈佛"之称。其学费之昂贵与哈佛平分秋色,但杜克绝佳的设备、小班制、个别关照、城乡并重,及文武合一的观念,是其他大学极为称羡的。广大无比的山丘校园(学校占地9432英亩,合37.8平方公里),170栋古典建筑,仿佛一一隐藏在秀丽的山林中一般。杜克大学不但是一流学术殿堂,更是修身养性、术德兼修的好地方。其本科学院在美国新闻与世界报道的2007年美国大学排名榜上排名第8,列全球大学排名第11位。连续五年在全美大学排行榜上名列第5。本科课程提供36门文理专业及46门可选择的第二专业。图书馆藏书量列全美第8名。
  以杜克的校园建筑来说,整个东校园保持着乔治亚式古典建筑,而较新的西校园则全是哥特式分格。城堡似的古典建筑外型非常古典精致,所有建材却是采用美东南地区的坚固花岗岩,没有任何两栋相雷同。校园古典而精致,漫步在秀丽的杜克森林中,感觉就像来到了世外桃源。一百七十栋古典建筑,仿佛一一隐藏在秀丽的山林中一般,杜克校园面积之大在私立大学中只有斯坦福可以媲美。美国南部地域广阔,气候温暖而舒适。杜克花园 风景优美,是远近闻名的景点。大学中树木茂盛,环境优美,整个学校隐藏在秀丽的山林中,其将优雅的绅士风度与严谨务实的治学、将学习与娱乐天衣无缝地结合在一起,使学生们在学习的同时,也有心情享受青春的快乐。
 2004年杜克大学的研究经费超过四亿九千万美元。纵观历史,杜克的研究者做出多项突破性研究。例如,杜克著名的生物医学工程系研制出世界上首例实时三维超声诊断系统,并制成了首个工程血管。工程系的AdrianBejan发展了构建理论,解释自然界中的形状。杜克大学在非线性动力学、混沌和复杂系统都有开拓性的研究。最近,杜克大学的研究者完成人类染色体的最终绘图,成为人类基因工程最终完成的世界新闻。近期的报告还包括杜克研究者在研制艾滋病疫苗和隐身材料(optical cloak)方面的努力。直至2008年,杜克受捐赠49亿美元,是美国第12大捐赠。



    杜大目前共有9个学院:三一文理学院(Trinity College of Arts and Sciences)、工程学院(Pratt School of Engineering)、法学院、神学院、医学院、护理学院、环境与地球学院(Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences)、商学院(Fuqua School of Business)和研究生院。另外还有40多个研究所和研究中心。
 美国新闻与世界报道的2009年最好研究型学校,杜克医学院排名第六,法学院排名十一,商学院并列十一,工程学院排名三十。在博士项目的排名中,杜克在文学批评和理论专业排名第一,黑人文学专业排名第三,美国现代文学排名第三,市场专业排名第三,环境政策及管理排名第四,MBA 排名第四,公共政策分析专业排名第五,国际商务排名第五,统计数学排名第六,生态学和进化生物学排名第五,生物医学工程第四,国际政治学排名第七,公共事务排名第十,政治学排名第十,理科博士项目排名十二,数学并列二十一,计算机科学排名二十,电脑工程排名二十一,物理并列二十九,化学并列三十八。


作者: 唐世鼎、黎斌 
ISBN: 9787810855983 , 7810855980 
出版社: 北京广播学院出版社 
出版日期: 2005-10

内容提要 :
前 言/l 第一篇 北美洲传媒院校 序 言/3 第一章 美国传媒院校/5 哈佛大学分支学院出版与传播学专业/5 杜克大学华莱士新闻与传播中心/8 斯坦福大学传播系/11 宾夕法尼亚大学安那堡传播学院/。
编辑推荐 :
目录 :
前 言/l

第一篇 北美洲传媒院校
序 言/3
第一章 美国传媒院校/5
美国锡拉丘兹大学s.I.Newhouse公共传播学院 /61
第二章 加拿大传媒院校/87


Duke University,Dewitt Wallace Center for Communication and Journalism(杜克大学华莱士新闻与传播中心)

The DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy was founded on the premise that free news media are essential to the sustainability of democracy. Combining scholarly research and real-world experience, the Center supports a policy of democratic free media in the United States and around the globe. Through its missions the Center has become a nationally and internationally acknowledged leader in the critical effort to support policies of democratic media. The Center's primary activities include:

Research, Faculty&Staff and Curriculum: Our undergraduate and graduate classes are designed to offer future journalists -- and private and public sector leaders who will interact with them -- a thorough understanding of the role of the news media in the policymaking process.

Dispatches, the DWC newsletter, is published two times a year. Read the past issues.

Media Fellowships:  More than 500 print and broadcast journalists have studied at the DeWitt Wallace Center from the United States and abroad.The rapid spread of powerful new technologies means that more people have access to more information than ever before. At the same time, national boundaries are fading in significance as a complex global economy takes hold.

In this climate, emerging and established democracies alike face challenges in creating and maintaining media that citizens can trust to help them make informed decisions. Such concerns include how to guarantee broadcaster autonomy, how to design policies for unbiased electoral campaign coverage, the role of political advertising and how to ensure balanced reporting on ethnic and racial conflict.

Moreover, thoughtful and relevant political coverage is often obscured by information and entertainment overload. Changes in the structure of media ownership can have serious consequences for the willingness and ability of reporters and editors to provide compelling analysis of important issues.

In order to address the choices confronting the media of different nations, the DeWitt Wallace Center believes that a broad range of approaches is needed. From scholarly research to real-world applications, from Duke University classrooms to newsrooms around the world, the Center is committed to supporting and enhancing democracy through free and responsible media.


Living History Program
What would it be worth to history to have in depth filmed interviews with Woodrow Wilson and his staff on the proceedings at Versailles in 1919? Documentation of this sort would be priceless, of course; it would be history personalized and made permanent. 

Through the vision and the generosity of Jay Rutherfurd, Duke is able to offer researchers and students videotape of interviews by Duke faculty with prominent American and world leaders who have been part of historical events.

To date, the Living History Collection includes videotapes of more than 50 interviews and recorded lectures with prominent figures such as Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, James Schlesinger, Elie Wiesel, Les Aspin, Jesse Jackson, and, most recently, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Along with the interviews, the Duke Living History Program also offers a selection of composite collections and transcripts based upon specific topics common to two or more lecturers. These compilations are of particular use in the classroom as they provide students and scholars with the opportunity to witness the differing opinions of foremost figures on the same event or topic. The subjects covered are as follows:

Misinformation and Crisis Management: The Vietnam War
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Influence of Political Action Committees in Domestic and Foreign Affairs: The American-Israeli Connection
The Living History Program is administered by the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy in the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University. Recordings are housed at the DeWitt Wallace Center and the Duke University Special Collections Library (see below for contact information) and are available to both institutions and individuals. Reproduction costs vary according to the length of the recordings and transcripts.  Recent interviews are available on ITunes U.

Interviews in the Living History Collection at Duke University

John Sherman Cooper 1973 Political Recollections
W. Stanton Griffis 1974 Diplomatic Career
Earl T. Smith 1974 Cuba
Lucius Clay 1975 Post WWII Career in Europe
W. Averell Harriman 1977 U.S. - Soviet Relations
Ryoichi Sasakawa 1979 Sasakawa's Career
Ellsworth Bunker 1979 Diplomatic Career in India, the Far East, and Vietnam
Dean Rusk 1981 Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Vietnam
J. William Fulbright 1984 Foreign Relations, Vietnam
Charles Percy 1986 Foreign Relations
Robert McNamara 1986 Cuban Missile Crisis Arms Control
James Schlesinger 1987 Crisis Management
Elie Wiesel 1988 Memories of the Holocaust
Abdus Salam 1989 Nuclear Physics
Soedjatmoko 1989 U.S. - Indonesian Relations
Victor Urquiti 1989 International Economics
Jack Matlock 1989 U.S.- Soviet Relations
Paul Nitze 1990 Defense Issues
Yasuhiro Nakasone 1990 Japanese Politics, U.S. - Japanese Affairs
Angier & Robin Duke 1990 Career in Foreign Service, Memories of JFK and LBJ
King Mikai of Rumania 1991 Rumania Before and After Communist Rule
Walter Davis 1991 Education; Oil and the Middle East
Turgut Ozal 1991 Turkish Politics, Middle East Relations
Oscar Arias 1991 Central American Politics, The Peace Plan
George McGhee 1991 Diplomatic Career in Turkey, West Germany
Samuel W. Lewis 1992 Ambassador to Israel; Carter Administration
Imam W. Deen Mohammed 1992 Muslim/American Spokesman
Vernon Walters 1992 Deputy Director, CIA; Representative to UN; Ambassador to Bonn; US Cold War Diplomacy
Jesse Jackson 1992 Personal Experiences; Civil Rights
Terry Sanford 1995 NC Governor, US Senator; Civil Rights
William and Wendy Luers 1995 Experiences in Russia; Ambassador to Venezuela and Czechoslovakia; Art and Diplomacy
Les Aspin 1995 Political Experiences; Secretary of Defense
Miguel de la Madrid  1996 Mexico
Jack Matlock 1997 Soviet Union
Erhard Busek 1997 Central Europe (Austria)
Hanna Suchoka 1997 Poland
Richard Goldstone 1997 South Africa and the UN
Samuel DuBois Cook 1998 First African American Professor at Duke
Afredo Christiani 1998 Former President of El Salvador
Mikhail Margelov 1999 Television and Elections in Russia
Phillip Gourevitch 1999 Human Rights in Africa
David Gergen 1999 At-Large Editor, U.S. News and World Report; former White House Advisor to presidents Clinton, Reagan, Ford and Nixon
Judy Woodruff 1999 Senior Anchor, CNN
Yegor Gaidar 2000 Candidate for Russian Presidency
Lloyd Axeworthy 2001 Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1996-2000
Robert Jordan 2002 U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
Princeton Lyman 2003 Former U.S. Ambassador to South Africa and Nigeria
Jamie Shea 2003 NATO Director of Information and Media Relations
Richard Kaplan 2004 Former President of MSNBC
Dennis Ross 2005 U.S. Envoy to the Middle East
James Carville 2006 U.S. Democratic Party Consultant
John Poindexter  2006 National Security Adviser for Ronald Reagan; Total Information Awareness Program for George W. Bush 
Anthony Zinni  2007 General, US Marine Corps (Ret.); Commander in Chief of the U.S. Central Command (1997-2000); U.S. Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian Authority (2002)
Zbigniew Brzezinski  2007 National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter
Peter Storey  2008 Former Methodist Bishop of the Johannesburg/Soweto area in South Africa, Professor Emeritus at Duke Divinity School
Mohamed Alayyan  2008 Publisher &CEO of Al Ghad, Jordan









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