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标签: 网络 空间 独立

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    约翰·P. 巴洛(John Perry Barlow),是《赛博空间独立宣言》起草人,也是Electronic Frontier Foundation的创始人(之一),曾经担任主席。传奇人物约翰·佩里·巴洛(John Perry Barlow)是位摇滚歌手,还是自由派 的电子边疆基金会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)的共同创办人、 网络预言家, 以及人道主义斗士,他真诚希望“我们目前正在创造一个空间,让全球民众可以 有一种 ‘新的’ 沟通关系: 我希望能够与试图和我沟通的心灵完全互动”
全球最著名的黑客之John Perry Barlow
      出名原因:John Perry Barlow是比较学的研究对象,他虽然有一个WASP(盎格鲁-撒克逊-白人-清教徒)的名字,实际上出生于Wyoming,在一个只有一间房子的学校里接受教育。在辍学之前,他是一名牛仔。辍学之后,他成为一名作曲家,为当时很有前途的Grateful Dead乐队写歌。他把cyberspacey应用到今天的媒体中,并且和其它人创立了电子边界基金会。这是一个为保卫网络上的言论自由的非赢利组织。Barlow是个很难被打败的家伙,这也使他成为最著名的黑客。
    尽管他在Grateful Dead乐队的鼓手和舞蹈演员的身份隐藏了他的《Apple PowerBook》一书的光彩,他仍然是跨越21世纪的人物。这本自述性质的书描述了他在推进网络言论自由时,反抗“邪恶集团”的日子,包括微软,AOL,甚至Motion 美国图片协会。Barlow的最大希望是“我们将在网络空间的基础上建立一种新文明,这种文明要比政府创造的文明更人道,更公平。”另外,他相信:“上网后,人会获得内在的解放。事实证明网络对文化的影响要比其它东西对文化的影响更有力。q我相信,当越来越多的人上网而不是看电视时,这一定会发生。”
     巴洛是电脑圈的土狠,他负责往外跑, 越过营火范围,进入黑暗,然后回来通报 看见的地方发生了什么事, 以及四面八方的变化。
  “电子前线基金会”(Electronic Frontier Foundation, EFF)的创办人之一,目前为该基金会副董事长。也是全球电子链接(The WELL,Whole Earth’Lectronic Link)的董事会成员,并担任CSC先锋团(Vangusrd Group of CSC)和全球商业网络(Global Business Network,GBN)的顾问。 经常撰写文章或发表演讲,讨论社会虚拟化问题,是电脑安全、虚拟现实、数字知识产权等主题的评论家。



Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.
We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.
Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. You have neither solicited nor received ours. We did not invite you. You do not know us, nor do you know our world. Cyberspace does not lie within your borders. Do not think that you can build it, as though it were a public construction project. You cannot. It is an act of nature and it grows itself through our collective actions.
You have not engaged in our great and gathering conversation, nor did you create the wealth of our marketplaces. You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions.
You claim there are problems among us that you need to solve. You use this claim as an excuse to invade our precincts. Many of these problems don’t exist. Where there are real conflicts, where there are wrongs, we will identify them and address them by our means. We are forming our own Social Contract . This governance will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours. Our world is different.
Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications. Ours is a world that is both everywhere and nowhere, but it is not where bodies live.
We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.
We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity.
Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are based on matter, There is no matter here.
Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge . Our identities may be distributed across many of your jurisdictions. The only law that all our constituent cultures would generally recognize is the Golden Rule. We hope we will be able to build our particular solutions on that basis. But we cannot accept the solutions you are attempting to impose.
In the United States, you have today created a law, the Telecommunications Reform Act, which repudiates your own Constitution and insults the dreams of Jefferson, Washington, Mill, Madison, DeToqueville, and Brandeis. These dreams must now be born anew in us.
You are terrified of your own children, since they are natives in a world where you will always be immigrants. Because you fear them, you entrust your bureaucracies with the parental responsibilities you are too cowardly to confront yourselves. In our world, all the sentiments and expressions of humanity, from the debasing to the angelic, are parts of a seamless whole, the global conversation of bits. We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat.
In China, Germany, France, Russia, Singapore, Italy and the United States, you are trying to ward off the virus of liberty by erecting guard posts at the frontiers of Cyberspace. These may keep out the contagion for a small time, but they will not work in a world that will soon be blanketed in bit-bearing media.
Your increasingly obsolete information industries would perpetuate themselves by proposing laws, in America and elsewhere, that claim to own speech itself throughout the world. These laws would declare ideas to be another industrial product, no more noble than pig iron. In our world, whatever the human mind may create can be reproduced and distributed infinitely at no cost. The global conveyance of thought no longer requires your factories to accomplish.
These increasingly hostile and colonial measures place us in the same position as those previous lovers of freedom and self-determination who had to reject the authorities of distant, uninformed powers. We must declare our virtual selves immune to your sovereignty, even as we continue to consent to your rule over our bodies. We will spread ourselves across the Planet so that no one can arrest our thoughts.
We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
Davos, Switzerland
February 8, 1996



  •   網路空間的諸定義的發展表明,網路空間的定義經歷了一個由幻像描述而現實概括的過程,人們對網路空間的理解是從不同的維度逐漸展開的。有的將網路空間等同於虛擬實在,有的強調信息的存儲和流動,有的從計算機媒介通信(CMC)和計算機聯網的角度定義;有的視其為個體的概念空間,有的則突出其社會互動方面。其中最為關鍵的要素有二,一是交互性,即網路空間是一個交往空間;二是虛擬性和匿名性,其主要表現是網際身份認同這一網路空間所獨有的問題。顯然,對網路空間中的網路交往和身份認同問題的討論,應以對網路技術和網路亞文化的理解為前提。 
  • 赛博空间中被利用的是知识,因此从某种意义说赛博空间的诞生不仅影响人与人之间的文化交流,而且影响着人和自然的关系。因为在赛博空间,人的活动对象是知识,交流的是知识或信息,因而减少了对物质的过度消费。在赛博空间中资源的利用效率和能源的转化率都可以得到显著提高。例如,“八五”期间,我国50%以上中等城市自来水公司不同程度地采用计算机控制技术使水流失率降低50%;相当于投资35亿元新建44个水厂的供水量。我国有色金属行业80%的铝电解槽实现计算机控制,每年节电1.2亿度。




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