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     欧盟互联网安全行动计划(英文:Safer Internet Action Plan)


   在网络管理方面,欧盟对信息通信网络的监管框架和政策是为适应融合的趋势而设计的。2002年,欧盟颁布5个统一的指令,即《框架指令》(Framework Directive200221EC)、《授权指令》(Authorisation Directive200220EC)、《接入与互联指令》(Accessand Interconnection Directive200219EC)、《普遍服务指令》(Universal Service Directive200222EC)和《隐私与电子通信指令》(Privacyand Electronic Communications Directive200258EC),适用于所有的通信网络,包括电信、广播和其他信息媒体网络。根据指令的要求,成员国在指令发布后15个月内将指令内容转化为国内法进行执行。由于欧盟对传输网络和内容分别监管,2002年的指令系列只适用于对传输网络监管。由于这些指令的内容已经被大家所熟悉,我们在本文将重点集中于对互联网内容的管制。






  一方面,欧盟委员会于2005年12月提出对《电视无国界指令》(Television without frontiers directive,TVWF指令)进行修改的建议草案,改名为《视听媒体业务指令》(Audiovisual Media Service Directive),希望通过修改指令,使新的指令可以覆盖所有的媒体内容领域,包括电信、广播、互联网的内容。草案的目的之一是放松目前指令的广告规则,另一个目的是区分“线形”(Iinear)业务(包括常规电视、互联网和移动电话)和“非线形”(non-linear)业务(包括点播电视和信息)。草案引入了以下两层义务:第一层,基本义务适用于所有视听内容业务,尤其是保护未成年入和入类尊严的义务:第二层,“线形”视听业务属于第二层义务,与TVWF指令设定的义务类似,但做了简化和更新。











     欧盟1999~2008年互联网安全行动计划(Safer Intemet Action Plan,1999—2005)包括2个阶段:第一阶段是1999年~2005年,第二阶段为2005-2008,是属于后续部分,即“互联网持续安全行动计划”(Safer Intemet plus,2005-2008)。整个计划的主要目的是在欧盟层面促进互联网的安全使用,为其发展创造健康环境。前期计划完成后,欧盟于2004年~2005年对计划前期情况(1999~2003)进行了外部评价,认为该计划为促进互联网发展作出了重大贡献。但由于互联网问题的复杂性以及参与者的众多性,欧盟认为仍有必要采取进一步行动。2005年4月,欧盟委员会通过了“互联网持续安全行动计划”的决议,旨在促进互联网的安全和在线新技术的发展。新的项目预算为4500万欧元,用于治理违法和有害的互联网内容。新项目将范围进行子扩展,将视频等多媒体也包括在内,并明确指出要打击种族主义和垃圾邮件。同时,与前期相比,新项目更加强调最终用户(如父母、老师)在治理互联网内容方面的重要作用。

























Action plan for a Safer Internet 1999-2004


The "Safer Internet" action plan aims to foster a favourable environment for the development of the Internet industry by promoting safe use of the Internet and combating illegal or harmful content. The programme is based on three lines of action:

- creating a safer environment by establishing a European network of hotlines and encouraging self-regulation and codes of conduct;

- developing filtering tools;

- raising awareness.


Decision No 276/1999/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 January 1999 adopting a multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks [See Amending acts].


Illegal/harmful content

The distinction between illegal and harmful content is important as these two types of content are dealt with differently:

illegal content must be dealt with at source by the police and the judicial authorities, whose activities are covered by national legislation and judicial cooperation agreements. However, the industry can be of considerable assistance in restricting the circulation of illegal content (particularly in the case of child pornography, racism and anti-Semitism) by means of effective self-regulation schemes (such as codes of conduct and hotlines) governed and supported by legislation, and with consumer backing;

harmful content is both that which is authorised but has restricted circulation (e.g. for adults only) and content which could be offensive to some users, even if publication is not restricted because of freedom of speech. Action to combat harmful content first and foremost means developing technology (filtering tools and rating mechanisms) to enable users to reject such content by promoting awareness among parents and fostering self-regulation, which could be an adequate way of protecting minors in particular.

Duration, financial framework

The four-year action plan (1 January 1999 to 31 December 2002) has been granted total funding of 25 million.

General objective

The action plan aims to promote the safer use of the Internet and to encourage, at European level, an environment favourable to the development of the Internet industry.

Action lines

The action plan divides into four sections:

establishing a safer environment through a European network of "hotlines" and by encouraging self-regulation and the adoption of codes of conduct;

developing filtering and rating systems, in particular by highlighting their benefits and facilitating an international agreement on rating systems;

encouraging awareness campaigns at all levels to inform parents and all people dealing with children (teachers, social workers, etc.) of the best way to protect minors against exposure to content that could be harmful to their development;

conducting support activities to assess legal implications, providing coordination with similar international initiatives and assessing the impact of Community measures.


The Commission will be responsible for the following activities to achieve the programme's objectives:

promoting industry self-regulation and content-monitoring schemes (especially dealing with content such as child pornography, racism and anti-Semitism);

encouraging industry to provide filtering tools and rating mechanisms. The aim is to enable parents and teachers to select content appropriate for children in their care while allowing adults to decide what legal content they wish to access;

increasing awareness of services provided by industry among users, in particular parents, teachers and children, so that they can better understand and take advantage of the opportunities of the Internet;

support actions such as assessment of legal implications;

activities fostering international cooperation.


In addition to the Member States of the EU, participation in this programme may be open to legal entities established in the EFTA countries which are members of the European Economic Area (EEA), and to European international organisations. Participation may also be open to legal entities established in non-member countries which do not form part of the EEA and to non-European international organisations, where such participation contributes effectively to the implementation of the programme.

Extension of the programme until 2005

The action plan was extended until 31 December 2004 and the budget increased by 13.3 million to cover the two extra years.

New Safer Internet Plus action plan

In 2005 the Council adopted a Decision establishing the Safer Internet Plus programme aimed at promoting the safer use of the Internet and new online technologies. The programme will cover the years 2005-2008 and will follow on from the Safer Internet action plan (1999-2004).


ActEntry into force - Date of expiryDeadline for transposition in the Member StatesOfficial Journal

Decision 276/99/EC [adoption: codecision COD/1997/0337]26.2.1999-OJ L 33, 6.2.1999

Amending act(s)Entry into forceDeadline for transposition in the Member StatesOfficial Journal

Decision No 1151/2003/EC [adoption: codecision COD/2002/0071]1.7.2003-OJ L 162, 1.7.2003



Communication from the Commission of 6 November 2006: Final evaluation of the implementation of the multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks [COM(2006) 663 final].

The independent experts who evaluated the programme highlight its effectiveness in combating illegal Internet content. The programme's success derives mainly from launching national hotlines and awareness nodes in almost all Member States.

Filtering systems are also an essential element in the eyes of the stakeholders. However, there is too little knowledge among parents on how to handle them and the progress made in developing these technologies remains unsatisfactory. It is also noted that there have been positive developments in industry self-regulation, codes of conduct and best practices.

The evaluation report put forward various recommendations for continuing Community action in this area:

raise the profile of hotlines;

support cooperation between Member States and between stakeholders;

target specific groups to promote awareness;

involve children and young people in identifying problems and designing solutions;

increase end user awareness of the options available for filtering harmful content;

encourage industry self-regulatory solutions at European level;

map possibilities for future technological developments and user options.

Communication from the Commission of 3 November 2003 concerning the evaluation of the multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies by combating illegal and harmful content primarily in the area of the protection of children and minors [COM(2003) 653 final - Not published in the Official Journal].

The report stresses the positive impact of the action plan, particularly in fostering networking and providing a wealth of information about the problems of safer use of the Internet. In particular, the report concluded that:

the programme has done a good job in producing a number of filtering software products although take-up of rating needs to be increased. Moreover, not all stakeholders agree that filtering is the best approach to child protection. At the policy level, the programme has been successful in putting the issues of developing a safer Internet firmly on the agenda of the EU and the Member States;

at action-line level, the Commission has instigated the development of a network of hotlines in Europe with associated members in the USA and Australia, funded research into tackling awareness-raising with end users, stimulated the development of filtering and supported the development of an international rating system;

the programme has been successful in linking up stakeholders to produce a "community of actors", although the Commission is disappointed by the lack of industry involvement as well as self-regulation organisations and consumer groups.

In addition, the authors of the evaluation recommend extending the objectives of the programme to encompass new and emerging communication technologies (e.g. 3G mobile telephones) that will influence children's use of the Internet. The Commission stresses that this point is already being dealt with in the second (2003-2004) phase of the programme.


Decision No 854/2005/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 establishing a multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies [Official Journal L 149, 11.6.2005].


Decision No 1151/2003/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 June 2003 amending Decision No 276/1999/EC adopting a multiannual Community action plan on promoting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks [Official Journal L 162, 1.7.2003].


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