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历史版本1 :新加坡信息通信发展管理局(IDA) 返回词条




The mission of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is to develop information technology and telecommunications within Singapore with a view to serve citizens of all ages and companies of all sizes. IDA does this by actively supporting the growth of innovative technology companies and start-ups in Singapore, working with leading global IT companies as well as developing excellent information technology and telecommunications infrastructure, policies and capabilities for Singapore.

-Developing a vibrant infocomm ecosystem

-Enabling business innovation and transformation

-Strategising and implementing e-Government

-Empowering society to leverage infocomm to enrich lives

Singapore Quality Class 

2004 & 2007:

IDA received the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) from SPRING Singapore. This overall business excellence standard certification is awarded every three years. Based on the internationally benchmarked business excellence framework, SQC provides organisations with a holistic model for business excellence. The SQC Certification is determined by an organisation's performance in the Business Excellence Assessment for Continuous Improvement (BEACON), which allows an organisation to benchmark its own management systems and practices against the international business excellence framework criteria.

Singapore Quality Class Star


IDA received the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) STAR, which recognises organisations that have attained greater heights on the business excellence journey.


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