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历史版本2 :新加坡信息通信发展管理局(IDA) 返回词条




The mission of the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) is to develop information technology and telecommunications within Singapore with a view to serve citizens of all ages and companies of all sizes. IDA does this by actively supporting the growth of innovative technology companies and start-ups in Singapore, working with leading global IT companies as well as developing excellent information technology and telecommunications infrastructure, policies and capabilities for Singapore.

-Developing a vibrant infocomm ecosystem

-Enabling business innovation and transformation

-Strategising and implementing e-Government

-Empowering society to leverage infocomm to enrich lives


The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), a statutory board of the Singapore Government, was formed on 1 December 1999 when the government merged the National Computer Board (NCB) and Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS), as a result of a growing convergence of information technology and telephony. IDA aims to grow Singapore into a dynamic global infocomm hub and to leverage infocomm for Singapore's economic and social development.


Since 2005, IDA’s work has been guided by the Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) masterplan which seeks to transform Singapore into “An Intelligent Nation, A Global City, Powered by Infocomm”. The strategic thrusts under iN2015 are focused on infrastructure, industry development, manpower development and the transformation of key economic sectors, government and society through more sophisticated and innovative use of infocomm.


The Senior Leadership Team plays a strategic role in ensuring that IDA’s work is closely aligned with Singapore’s wider economic and social development goals, and in tune with the changing dynamics of the local and global infocomm landscape.


版本创建者 发短消息