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历史版本2 :普莱西德湖冬奥会吉祥物 返回词条



  • 时间:1980年02月13日-1980年02月24日
  • 发布时间/设计者:不明
  • 设计原型:普莱西德湖当地原生动物浣熊。普莱西德湖原本有一个的真实存活的吉祥物,它是一个叫路基的小浣熊。在它死后,也就是比赛开始前,人们就创造了Roni来代替它。
  • 名字来源:美国纽约普莱西德湖地区一种易洛魁的语言“recoon”一词,并被普莱西德湖的孩子们选出来。“Roni”同时也是美国伊洛克族印地安人浣熊的名字的简称。

















        1980年普莱西德湖冬奥会的吉祥物取名为 Roni,这个吉祥物是一只小浣熊,浣熊与伊洛克族印地安人,都是普莱西德湖当地原住民及原生动物,受到当地政府的保护。他脸上的颜色以及那个围着他眼睛一周的黑白相间的毛发就像是运动员们带着的太阳镜和帽子,他们是Roin的不同版本,表示在练习的不同运动,而奥运五环的颜色也可以在它身上找到。这是一只可爱的吉祥物,能给运动员们带去好运,祝福着他们勇往直前、夺取桂冠。




&参考资料:百度百科“1980年普莱西德湖冬奥会”/维基百科“1980 Winter Olympics”“mascot Roni”

Roni is the Olympic mascot of the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, created by Don Moss. The mascot is a raccoon, which is a familiar animal from the mountainous region of the Adirondacks where Lake Placid is situated. The name Roni comes from the word racoon in Iroquoian, the language of the native people from the region of the State of New York and Lake Placid and was chosen by Lake Placid school children.
Part of his face and the black-and-white mask around his eyes are a nod to the sunglasses and hat worn by competitors. There are different versions of Roni, practising different sports and the five colours of the Olympic rings can be found on some versions.[1]
Lake Placid had a living mascot, a raccoon called Rocky. After his death, just before the Games started, he was replaced by Roni.[1]


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